DIY Day! (also known as Stitch and Bitch)

Had a DIY day with the girls, where we made bath bombs and sugar scrubs! We, of course, also had wine, and I took a few extra pics (the others are on our Instagrams)
The recipes we used are on my Pinterest (follow me :)
Take a look below
We used the recipe above, changing a few items. I didn't have enough Olive Oil, so we used Coconut Oil instead.

Stir Stir Stir!

The recipe was motified to:
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup of coconut oil
7-8 drops of rosemary oil (I used the brand pictured above)
about 10 drops of soap coloring, I did pink and purple.
The Bath bombs, came out, okay for the most part. I found that silicone molds do not work at all to keep the bath bomb ingredients together. The recipe below fizzed and smelled so nice!
8 oz. of baking soda
4 oz. of citric acid
4 oz. of corn starch
4 oz. of Epsom salts (make sure these are fine grained)
¾ tsp. of water
2 tsp. essential oil (we used rose and lavender)
1 tsp oil (we like almond or coconut oil)
A few drops of soap coloring
Round, plastic, snap together dome molds
Bowl and cup for mixing
Fluffy towel

My tiny bath bomb!
Have a bath bomb, scrub or other bath DIY recipes you enjoy??