The Many Uses for Craft Vinyl!

Hello again! I know it's been a while since my last tutorial but, I have been very busy working on the shop for SavvyCraftyCute. Check out the vinyl decals I am selling here. I am even starting to sell digital svg and png files for anyone with their own dye cut machine at home, so favorite my shop on Etsy!
DIY Dry Erase Boards
The above idea is simple, and very effective for teachers and parents. Also can be environmentally friendly because you use less paper.
Make a Sign for Your Home
You can even make your own sign using vinyl decals as a stencil while painting. I have used vinyl this way on canvas as well.
Screen printing with Vinyl

I never thought of this, but you can use vinyl to screenprint! I am definitely going to try this next.
Decorate the Dry Erase/White Board in the Classroom

Vinyl offers a temporary decorating solution for teachers too. Use for the Today's Date board in the class!!
Check out this technique for applying vinyl onto a round surface. This particular tutorial uses a flower pot but you can use this when applying permanent vinyl to mugs!
Have you tried any of these DIY crafts? Tell us below!